Friday, May 18, 2007

The 90 Day Powerseller Challenge New & Updated!

Hi $first_name,

Art Luff here, $list_name

And I've got Great News about a Fantastic Sequel that
really is - "Better than the Original!"

No - It's not the 'Caped Crusader'
Or the - 'Webslinging Wallcrawler'
Not Even - 'The Italian Stallion'
And Most Definitely Not "Mission Impossible 4 U"

Seriously though, there seems to be an ongoing debate
with most sequels, as to whether the original was better
or not. And both camps have their supporters.

But the Sequel I'm referring to requires no debate...
I'm talking about an eBook that really did show people how
to get started and finally make some real money from the

It has helped countless people so much so that hundreds of
them have been selling it on - to help others benefit from it's
detailed 'Step by Step' instructions.

*** Making it probably the most popular eBook on eBay for
the last 2 years ***

Have you guessed what it was yet?
Let me tell you anyway...

It was the "The 90 Day PowerSeller Challenge”

What made it great, and so popular, was the fact that it
had been written by eBay PowerSeller John Thornhill
eBay ID (planetsms) - as a 'step by step guide' to what he
did to make a full time living selling eBooks on eBay.

He has always invited people to check out his eBay ID
(planetsms ) - then they could see for themselves that he
does 'Walk the Walk' because he was fed up of those who
just 'Talk the Talk' but don't actually help people!

He made it plain for people to see that he does make a very
good living by checking his feedback numbers. They could get
a good feel for what he does by browsing his eBay store.

And in "The 90 Day Powerseller Challenge", they could
hear exactly how they could 'copy his roadmap' to making
their dreams into reality.

So why the Sequel?

Basically because times have changed since he started in
late 2004.

John has continued to earn a full time living following his own
'Road Map' as laid out in "The 90 Day Powerseller Challenge"
But he has since found a few 'Super Highways' on route that he
wanted to share.

So now John's checked through all the steps he originally
laid out, and he's updated them all to make it even easier
to follow the 'Route Map' to becoming a PowerSeller.

Don't misunderstand though, the original is still good - and
definitely still works. The difference now is the technology
and tools available and a few years more experience.

It means he can still unreservedly guarantee that anyone who
follows the 'Step by Step' guide in
"The 90 Day Powerseller Challenge" Version 2.0 -
Will find the success that's been eluding them, and will
become an eBay PowerSeller....

You can check out the sales page.
BUT DON’T ORDER IT! - See below.

What's more, It will be an easier route for ordinary people,
people like me and you to finally achieve their goals and
ambitions, to realise their dreams and desires to make that
extra income, and even turn it into a fulltime income, to
follow John and do what he's done.

And that's why this sequel is without doubt 'Better than
the Original’

It will make your success so much easier, Step by Step
for 90 days. So let me ask you?

Are you Up for The Challenge?

"The 90 Day Powerseller Challenge" V 2.0?

Great - Well here's the thing....
In marketing terms John, (and I for that matter) wants to
build some long term relationships with people who are going
to be successful, people like you.

So I have a link for you that avoids the salespage and takes
you straight to the Download to get this great sequel

To All Our Success.



P.S. Remember... This isn't 'Mission Impossible'.
You are not about to stumble through with Trail & Error.

Your only challenge is to follow the Map…

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